School Uniform (Playgroup – XII)
White Shalwar Kameez with College Monogram on left side pocket.
White sash
Black shoes and white socks

White Shalwar Kameez with College Monogram on left side pocket.
White sash
Black shoes and white socks
Navy blue blazer with college monogram / navy blue V-neck cardigan/ V-neck Sweater
Full sleeves K.T shirt with collar and left side pocket with College Monogram
Dark grey tropical trouser • Necktie with College Monogram
White socks & Black shoes with laces • Black belt

Full sleeves K.T shirt with collar and left side pocket with College Monogram
Dark grey tropical trouser
Navy blue blazer with College Monogram / navy blue V-neck Sweater
Necktie with College Monogram
White socks & Black shoes with laces
Black belt